
Overview of offices and opening hours

Professional centers and facilities

Contact details

Invoice details

Office addressMagdaléna, o.p.s.
Včelník 1070
Mníšek pod Brdy
252 10
Account Number388061319/0800
Data boxu9bapmm

Message us

Our team

Company management

Ing. Veronika Šťastná
Pavel Král
Head of the project office
Mgr. Šárka Slavíková Klímová
PR manager

Contacts for donors

Ing. Petra Čermáková
Donor and Volunteer Support

Lead Department

Mgr. Aneta Zápotocká
Head of Prevention and Education Department
Bc. Markéta Dolejší
Head of Secondary Prevention
Mgr. Jiří Zatřepálek
Head of Tertiary Prevention

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