Addictology - prevention and treatment from A to Z

We specialise in treatment, prevention and complex support during the expression of addictive behaviour. We cover a large scale of services in the field of addictology. We help our clients find a path from addiction to alcohol, drugs, other substances, or addictive behaviours back to a fulfilling life. We provide support to families and loved ones of addicted people. Within our risk reduction program we protect the health of society. In the region of primary prevention we pay extra attention to preventing addiction and risky behaviors in children and adolescents. We provide help and support to teachers trying to solve dire situations including their students. We teach practical advice about how to prevent bullying, problems in the class collective and risky behaviours of students.

27 years
of help
Since 1997 we help addicts with their treatment and we fall under the oldest therapeutic community in the Czech Republic. We have experience, professionality, empathy and understanding.
Every year we prepare over 5000 children to enter the real world. We help them with the prevention of risky behaviours, bullying and unhealthy lifestyles.
annual clients
Every year we help 1500 clients and their families to get out of the addiction cycle and live a free life, using our ambulance and therapy communities.
success rate
7 out of 10 clients in our therapy community do not relapse. 7 out of 10 clients from our ambulance facilities live 5 years without addiction under observation.
More about Magdalena


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